
Sunday, 15 March 2015

The Glasgow Cycling Infrastructure Day Response.

It's been quite a while since we had our Glasgow Cycle Infrastructure Day or #glasgowcycleinfraday on Twitter.

What?! You don't know what it is? Oh OK, you can see for yourself here.

Pretty shocking, isn't it.

Well, it has taken a while, but Glasgow City Council, though Frank McAveety, has replied to it. Here is his reply.

Just a brief note to indicate that the City Council are reviewing the list of measures raised and we are in the process of responding to them.

We would hope to address some of them through our cycle works budget and through the general maintenance budget.

In terms of overall repairs notification I am sure you are aware of the various ways to contact the Council to deal with specific repairs.  I hope they are of assistance and if there are continued problems relating to lack of response do not hesitate to contact me.

OK, it's not the most detailed response ever, but it does suggest that there will be individual responses to each of the issues raised. Therefore, I suggest that you all look at the list of infrastructure issues highlighted in the above linked blog and let me know if you've seen any improvement.

 Oh, OK all the ice and snow will have gone, but are the areas being maintained? Have barriers been removed? Has the infrastructure been improved? If not, let me, and of course Frank know.

If we keep quiet, nothing will change.

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