
Friday, 18 July 2014

Glasgow - It's Time for Change


I'm not one for using quotes from others in what I write but I came across this quote and it got me thinking....

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

Oh no! What have I done!?! Not only have I changed a habit of a lifetime by using a quote, it's a quote from an American President! Barak Obama to be exact.


However, despite the political connections, I do think this an appropriate quote for what is happening in Glasgow just now with regards to cycling. With the Commonwealth Games due to start next week in Glasgow, we have an opportunity and opportunities like this do not come along very often.

Glasgow has a commitment to legacy, and part of that legacy is getting Glasgow active, and as I have discussed many times before, cycling is a big part of the answer. Yet while the council might be listening, they certainly aren't acting.

So how can me make them act?

Well, we certainly can't make them act by sitting back and letting business happen as usual. We need to stand up and be counted. Many of you have already been counted and have signed the cycle friendly Glasgow petition. Thank you very much for doing that!

In fact tonight it has reached 1500!

There is, though, another opportunity.

Cllr Frank MacAveety, Glasgow's 'cycling czar', and the political lead in Land and Environment Services Cllr Alistair Watson have agreed to accept the petition in person next Friday (25th July) at the City Chambers at 11:30am. I intend to cycle there with the petition and it has already been confirmed that I will be joined by Patricia Fort (convener of Go-Bike) and Sally Hinchcliffe (fellow Pedal on Parliament organiser). Whilst Sally isn't based in Glasgow, she has experienced the ups and downs of Glasgow's roads.

Why not join us next Friday, on bike, on foot, on skateboard, or any way you can, to show your support for investment in a safer cycling Glasgow. Why not bring your family? I hope to bring mine, although I must admit I'm not sure how I would get them cycling there safely...which is the whole point!

As Barak Obama suggested, there is no-one better than us to drive change and there is no better time than now to do it. With your help we can make Glasgow a cycle friendly city!


The plan now is to meet at 11:15am outside the City Chambers. This will give us time to have a short group ride around George Square before handing in the petition. This will provide an opportunity for photos of those who turn up. I'm looking into some graphics that could be printed and put on banners/posters etc. Watch this space!

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