
Monday, 19 May 2014

The Mind Goes Live

I'm back!

What?! You went somewhere?

Ah. I thought you might have noticed! Oh well...

Yes I've been away at a conference as part of my work. Here if you are interested, in the Italian city of Milan. It was a huge conference which unfortunately meant I was working hard all week. Thus, I didn't get to see a huge amount of Milan, although I did manage to walk around a bit, especially after the conference had finished on Friday.

No cycling?

Unfortunately not. I was with others for most of the time, and they weren't as keen on cycling in an Italian city as I was. Fear not though, I was being very observant and I have taken plenty of pictures of cycling and cycle related infrastructure that I spotted. I'll be writing a blog on this shortly. Watch this space....

In the mean time, there is something else I want to let you know about. know how I have views on cycling....and you you know how I like sharing them.....and you know how I like talking....and you know how I've had an 'experience or three' over the years....well.....

I felt it was time to share them with you, but this time not on here. This time, the Mind goes live. In person. In Edinburgh. In a pub.

Yes, I have decided to try my hand at giving a talk on my experiences over the last eight years at this years Edinburgh Festival of Cycling. That's right, you lucky people have the opportunity to pay to listen to me talking to you....umm, errr....I'm not selling this well am I!?

In all seriousness, I hope that the evening will be filled with a few laughs, a few serious moments and unfortunately a few girly screams, all in aid of funds for Pedal on Parliament. So, if you are interested mossy on over to this link here and book yourselves some tickets.

Canons' Gait, Edinburgh, on the 20th June at 7pm and all for only £5. Perhaps I'll see you there!

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