
Monday, 28 October 2013

I Want to See Double...At Least!

It's ages away from Pedal on Parliament 3. We have already started the process of organising the POP3 demonstration and we will obviously share details with you when we can.

What though, do we do in the mean time?

Yes the government has recently given cycling more money and yes it is welcome. £20m over two years is a start. It is though, still a drop in the ocean when we have already pointed out that £100m per annum is required if we are to make cycling a realistic prospect for all.

Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more criticical that we fight harder for the needed investment. The recently released government statistics show that cycling, rather than getting safer is getting more dangerous, with an increase in deaths and killed and seriously injured once again in 2012. This isn't a blip, but an ongoing trend, at a time when driving a car is getting progressively safer. Not only that, but we already know that the death toll for cyclists on Scotland's roads is worse this year than last, with just over 2 months left.

Investment in cycling is more pressing than ever.

So POP3 is ages away, what can we do?

Yes, we all need to keep writing to our MSP's, but there is something else you can do. Something more direct.

This Wednesday in Edinburgh there is a chance for you to demonstrate your support for investment in cycling and active travel by attending the We Want to See Double Demonstration.  The call is out for anyone who wants to see safer streets for all to meet up on the 30th October at 1pm outside St Andrews House, Edinburgh, to go along and make your feelings known.

Of course, not all can make it (I can't unfortunately) as it is during the working week, but that is a strength as well as a weakness. Unlike at POP which is held at the weekend, politicians will be at work on Wednesday and thus are more likely to actually see this demonstration (and not just read about it in the newspapers).

So, if you are anywhere near Edinburgh, and you have half an hour to spare at lunch time on Wednesday, please go along to the demonstration. It is as a direct result of POP and other similar events (and of course the work of other groups) that we have been given the recent extra cash, so we know that more noise does work.

With your help, we can see double (at least!) and we can make Scotland a cycle friendly nation.

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