
Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Sportive Kinross - How Quick will I be? (Competition!)

I'm doing Sportive Kinross in a week and a half's time, and I've only gone and opted for the BLACK RUN OF DOOOOOOM!

What is this black run I speak of? Well, it turns out that it isn't too bad...for the first 20km, then it all starts to go pear shaped....or should I say, up and down shaped!

Don't get me wrong, I like the downs, but they unfortunately come with ups!

I'd be wrong to say I am a novice at this though. I have done the Trossachs Ton (100 miles) a few years ago, a sportive in Blackpool (the less said about that the better!) and the Etape Caledonia (81 miles). However, none of these had as many hills as this, and they certainly come thick and fast!

Am I worried....a bit. My training has been a little thin on the ground. It has consisted of my commute (about 12 miles each way with some short sharp hills) 4 or 5 days a week, and two training rides, one over Crow Road (about 31 miles), and one taking in Crow Road and Tak Ma Doon (about 42 miles).

So this may hurt a little.

For a bit of fun, I decided to make a competition out of it, with a real prize. I'm willing to donate £25 to charity. Which charity? That will be the decision of the person who comes closest to guessing my official time (as measured by the sportive chip) for the Kinross Sportive. So get it right and I will donate £25 to your nominated charity.

To help, here are a few facts and figures about my rides.

Trossachs Ton - 2009 (100 miles) - ave speed 16.2mph time 6 hours 13 mins
Etape Caledonia - 2010 (81 miles) - ave speed 19mph time 4 hours 34 mins (actually 4 hours 16 but had puncture!)

Two hill training ride a few days ago on the following route:

There was a nasty westerly head wind (which made the exposed section between the two hills bloomin' hard!). Ave speed 15.1mph, time 2 hours 44 mins

So there you have it. Place your bets!

 How long will I take to do the 87 mile BLACK ROUTE OF DOOOOOM! 

(Please try and chose different times! If two are the same distance from my actual time, the first posted wins! It's just a wee bit of fun!)


  1. Excellent stuff Magnatom, to assist the readers in this venture of estimating your time we (being the organisers of Sportive Kinross are not expecting anyone much below 4h.30m and the bulk to finish in under 7h). Good luck to all who post a guess.

  2. Hi mags. Hope you are well. Did a varation on the black route last Saturday, same distance same amount of vertical challange 7h - 15 mins, with 3 stops totaling 1 hr 20 mins(it was hot and I got my hydration wrong). Great route should be a blast.

  3. 6 hrs 15min . Best of luck

  4. Hi guys thanks for the guesses. SB I'll take that as a guess of 7h 15mins.

    Just had a guess of 6h 22 mins from a friend, Gail.

    No-one guessing sub 6 hours then?! ;-)

  5. Speaking privately (taking off my organisers hat) I'll run win with 5h 53m.

  6. Tony Austin has guessed 6 hours 20 mins on twitter :-)

  7. I have some other guesses from elsewhere:

    Annie: 4hrs 55mins (mmm, bit optimistic perhaps!)

    Nick: 5 hours 27 mins (still optimistic! )


  8. I'll have a guess at 5:55.
    Good luck and I'd impressed you find time to get in any training with a young family (I know I don't!)

  9. It's tough grhm, I've only managed two proper training runs this year. The rest is the commute.

    Ah the joys of parenthood! :-)

  10. bazzargh on Twitter has guessed 6 hours 5 mins. :-)

  11. cyclelizzy on twitter has guessed 6 hours 20 mins. :-)

  12. Docroddy has added 5 hours 11 mins on twitter :-)

  13. £25 has been donated to Yorkshire Air Ambulance .I will also donate an extra £15 to CHAS (in the post when I have a chance) via Zarbio as I made a mistake in who won for a few minutes! :-)
